2024/05 - Final MYR(KRM) | 2023/05 MYR(KRM) | 2022/05 MYR(KRM) | 2021/05 MYR(KRM) | 2020/05 MYR(KRM) | |
Net Cash from / (used in) Operating Activities | (441) | 3,503 | (835) | 122 | 437 |
Net Cash from / (used in) Investing Activities | 1,237 | 390 | 131 | (1,279) | (574) |
Net Cash from / (used in) Financing Activities | (54) | 1,101 | 434 | 1,563 | 2,459 |
Increase / (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents | 742 | 4,994 | (270) | 406 | 2,322 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents at beginning of period | 26,948 | 21,687 | 22,044 | 21,712 | 19,909 |
Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes | 329 | 267 | (87) | (74) | (519) |
Others | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents at end of period | 28,019 | 26,948 | 21,687 | 22,044 | 21,712 |
Remarks: | Real time quote last updated: 07/03/2025 17:59 |
Real-time basic market prices of Hong Kong securities are provided by HKEx; a Designated Website authorized by the HKEx Group to provide the Service | |
Profit / (Loss) Attributable to Shareholders (RM) | MYR 722,000 |
%Change | 25.347% |
EPS / (LPS) | MYR 0.046 |
NBV Per Share (RM) | MYR 2.311 |