[ET Net News Agency, 24 March 2025] Data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00388)
indicate the general information of the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges
as of the previous trading day (21 March 2025) is as follows:
Main Board GEM A share B share A share B share
Listed company 2,309 319 1,692 43 2,859 39
H shares 352 17 - - - -
Non-H share 1,057 58 - - - -
Mainland enterprises
Listed securities 14,836 319 - - - -
Total market cap (bil dollars) 40,678 55 45,815 100 35,037 52
Circulated market cap (bil dollars) - - 44,620 74 29,757 52
Average PE (times) 13.39 29.94 13.24 7.55 25.23 7.49
Turnover (mil dollars) 339,180 909,569 927,920
Note: The trading unit of Hong Kong Stock Exchange is Hong Kong dollar. The trading unit
of Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges is Renminbi.